Monday, August 25, 2014

Young Drones by The Bicycles - Summerworks - Lower Ossington (Aug 16)

A rock opera with a big divide in the band as the black-haired and the bearded guitar players were drones while the female drummer led her marching synth and bass player soldiers. The music wasn't as catchy as some previous Bicycles work but more serious to match the mood of the play; although a ridiculous premise it was told with authenticity and urgency. Underneath it all the message was positive and clear, making it a worthwhile tale, and the projected displays although not completely innovative definitely furthered the storyline and added the extra dimension (even if it was only 2-D). As it was a concert of sorts I couldn't help but bop around in my seat on a couple tracks as almost all the members, including the drummer, took a turn at the mic. Perhaps not Tommy proportions but a worthwhile endeavor nonetheless!

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