First it was a midnight set at the Gladstone Hotel that was the first time I'd seen Brasstronaut in Toronto and only the second time ever! Mean Sun had been played relentlessly since its release and so I was terribly excited to see them perform it. And perform it they did - in fact they only played songs from this release which may have disappointed some, but considering how well they were done I was not complaining. Their music is just so lush and seemingly complex, it is unlike mainstream music yet is still accessible despite the jazzy influences. The dynamism of the album translated live as the excellent bunch of musicians (trumpet, clarinet, synths, guitar, bass, drums) recreated the sound and feel with an urgency that could be felt. Falklands was especially powerful, though Mean Sun and The Grove also stood out strongly.
The second show was in the heat of the day at Yonge-Dundas Square and even though the setlist was simply a subset of the previous night's show it was still a treat to see them perform again. Hell, I've listened to the album more than once in a day, it's not a stretch to see them twice within 13 hours! Again Falklands was a standout. The relatively small crowd was appreciative of Brasstronaut's performance as they once again closed with Revelstoke Dam.
Utidur Opening at the Gladstone was Utidor from Iceland who had been handpicked by Brasstronaut to open on their North American tour. It could be understood why as the 8-piece had a similarly full, orchestral sound using a bodyless violin, trumpet, male/female vocals as well as sparingly a melodica, double-drums and hand claps. Some songs were Icelandic while others such as Birds Moving Slowly featured interplay between the violin and trumpet for a nice effect. They were definitely a nice way to warm up for Brasstronaut..
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