The first to take the stage on this unbelievably stacked bill at The Asylum. We were sure to get there early and yet MP had already just taken the stage, and plenty of people had made their way in for it. A good thing too as all these early-comers were rewarded with a sweet, enthusiastic set of punk rock. Solid as their recordings are, it was agreed that the live set takes that up a notch even. Didn't even think to snap a pic I was so caught up in the show.
Spanish Love Songs
Following their awesome, and undersized headliner last year at The Flapper (R.I.P) these new-emo American guys 'n gal were back in a deservedly bigger room, albeit in a supporting role. The way they play I'd be happy to call them a co-headliner though. With a well-picked setlist of many of the best from 2018's Schmaltz as well as highlights from the new-release Brave Faces Everyone (and probably a smattering of older stuff but I'm not yet as familiar with the back-catalog). The crowd was massively enjoying it and nearer to the end of the set as Buffalo Buffalo began the pit really got moving. Did they steal the night? Don't ask me, I'm a big ol' biased SLS convert.
The Menzingers
Now veterans of the 21st Century punk scene, The Menzingers came on with a polished set to prove it. In the very nearly sold out big room of The Asylum on a Friday, Valentines Day no less, there was a palpable excitement in the crowd. Mind you it did take a few songs for the sound to work in and the set to really get going but by the latter half it was in full swing. When one of my songs of the year (2019) in Anna dropped it was riveting. What a show! I'd happily go back and watch this one again, front to back.

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