Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Midway State - Hillside Friday 2011

The Midway State have been making music for some time but finally caught my ear leading up to Hillside. They've make extra catchy pop music grounded in rock sensibility and excellent musicianship. Unfortunately during their workshop set (mostly just a back and forth, song for song) with Harlan Pepper, and even throughout their abbreviated Island stage set, this wasn't too well showcased. Yes, the boys can play their instruments, and quite earnestly at that. During one of the mostly instrumental tunes the drummer busted a stick from bashing at his set - might have even been twice that song. In fact the intensity of the drumming stood out both times but the catchiness that should have led to dancing, or at least grooving, didn't translate as at times they appeared to get so wrapped up in their playing that they forgot to give back to the audience. One exception was Bryan AdamsRun to You but having seen it in the workshop hours earlier the novelty was slightly worn by the time they bust it out to a more sizable audience. Their closing number, Never Again, finally began breaking down the barrier between band and audience but due to time constraints they were halted just there. I'd love to see them devote more to the crowd in a full length set to see where they could take it.

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