Sleigh Bells rocked out in front of a massive bank of speakers, to augment the already blaring house gear. Additionally interspersed amongst this equipment were strobelights of all colours and frequencies, all at uber bright intensity. Speaking of intensity, the lead lady brought it and threw it all over the Sound Academy. Seriously the Tuesday night crown could scarcely keep up with her and were even called out a few times for it. A solid representation of Treats was displayed following a heavy metal-into-Sabbath's Iron Man lead in. Atop the preprogrammed pounding beats and samples, the lone guitar ripped the place apart. The preprogrammed aspect meant not much unexpected could happen, which reduces excitement, but her vocals were impressive in that she could not only keep up, while running and dancing all over the stage, but she could shriek too. Sleigh Bells at high volume is good anytime - with the band playing for you is even better.
Co-headlining with CSS.
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