Dama Scout - A 3 piece including a female singer, and your standard guitar/drum/bass instrumental set-up offering up some grungy riffs. Came across as typical low-fi indie rock for the majority of the set though the final three songs brought it up a little, especially the tempo shifting
Email Girl.
Independent Country - countrified version of indie songs including Jesus and Mary chain. Slide guitar and lots of the embroidered country shirts. 5 middle aged men.
Baywaves - 4 piece from Madrid which made sense I've they announced it with the hair and the vibe. Some light synths and perhaps in a nod to the name, surfy guitars. They were upbeat and appreciative "thanks for being nice to us" and could have played on if it were up to me
Menace Beach - 5 (1 f, guitar bunch of stuff, vocals shared with other man. Male guitarist had a lead vocals but sound want great) with a whole adornment of equipment, keys, synths, moogs, samplers plus two electric guitars and a bass. Headband drummer. Black rainbow sound song. Also had background screensaver that was kinda trippy.
Bank Accounts - one very outgoing singer guitarist, Sophie his small stand up drummer and his right hand jester on guitar too. It was more stand up comedy or performance art where the music, mostly short bursts of simple, tongue in check songs that guy us through to the next bit of banter, much of it planned with a bubble machine, passing around a bottle of champagne and then cheap corner store rum afterwards. A singalong almost got off the ground but not fully.
Speedy Ortiz - 4 piece with female lead and bass, had pretty decent music, not quite to dance to and not super rock out. Probably would have been better if I'd been more familiar
The Orielles - 4 piece of young and energetic musicians. Male guitarist was the ringleader but the female was the vocalist, and the curly, long haired kid on keys was the best addition. They played like they've had some seasoning which is probably true at this point. Finishing just a few minutes before curfew with what appeared to be their biggest hit single they pulled it off quite well but not leaving a lifelong impression.
Mush - false starting with an electrified mic the all male four piece from Leeds went beyond the auspicious start. Although they started with jangly guitars over the driving drum beats they did show more mature songwriting then my first impression. Although there was one lead vocalist to others chimed in at times for echoes and call and response. Burning through the set to try and make up for lost time there wasn't much banter but they seemed casually funny in a dry way. In restarting one song due to an early misfire the singer chided them, "C'mon lads..!" A favourite refrain was "How do you survive in this gig economy? I live within my means!" The finale was a lengthy ride regarding Alternative Facts and was an enjoyable ride.
Snail Mail
True to the album she kept the whiny, almost crying vocals throughout. It was even more convincing as bathed in red light on the stage it was very reminiscent of their album cover. Unapologetically asking for more and less things in her monitor through the microphone in the middle of the first couple songs, plus a spot of feedback, didn't bode well and it seemed she might be put off it. However that didn't happen and after they soldiered through the first few they seemed to settle in. As with the album the music didn't quite grab and arrest me but it's obviously won them a solid following. They casually said they were from Baltimore which is hardly a notorious music scene that I'm aware of but carried on with American airs. She was the ringleader, with the drummer her go to, the two guys on guitar and bass hardly factored in, simply playing their notes on the wings. This went a step further when without any notice everyone just got up and left the stage, leaving the singer strumming until they were gone, never to be seen until they were going back up the stairs that we were filing out at the end. She was left playing a slow, drawn out tune solo with someone in the crowd failing to sing along loudly throughout for a high cringe.
Four piece, with funky bass riffs. They were quite odd, especially the sunglassed lead singer with the multiple mega reverb mics. It almost seemed like a joke band, or something like that shitty English two piece * but I think they were taking it seriously and in this case the music at least was actually rather good. The name on the other hand, pronounced the way you wish it weren't, isn't.
Sunshine Frisbee Laser Beam
The local male four piece were billed as an acoustic set but but instead were crammed on the ground floor in the corner fully electric. With a new album out they did they were going to play it front to back. They only had a half hour set so I'm not sure that they accomplished it but they did play a bunch of great tunes, seeming to improve as the set went on. In spite of the band they aren't all out there or happy go lucky, it's clean indie rock, leaning towards rock grooves than indie hooks. I really liked it and even as most everyone else headed upstairs for Goat Girl I stuck with them.
Goat Girl
A six piece filled the stage with women holding down all the positions of two guitars, bass, violin, drums, and the lone male on the shaker (and keys? I couldn't tell as I was near the back.) I'd grown a bit tired of them on record but live they had strong song composition, a good lead vocalist and were engaging. Not much banter or nonsense except a weird delay before the second last song as the drummer seemed to be arguing to play a certain song and I think held it hostage until she got her way.
Dream Wife
Coming out to pump up music in a matching colour palette, the four piece had already stolen the show for the whole festival by the end of track one. And rightly so as they were the headliners and closers, for the first time they said initially then took it back to mock boos, remembering headlining a barn once. The lead singer (using IEMs for the first time) was absolutely beaming and pouring energy into the thing from the start to end, with the women flanking her doing much the same. The male drummer didn't factor in quite as highly but that's not the worst role for a drummer. Many women had already taken it upon themselves to be right at the front but a few songs in all the "bad bitches" got a proper invitation to the front and a bunch more took them up on it for
Somebody. The technical definition given to be a bad bitch was not gender related as long as you supported the rest of your bad bitches, they filling the room. The guitarist with the drastic blonde haircut absolutely shredded whenever she got the chance, which was often enough. The highlight had to be Fuck You Up
FUU as it had everyone in the front throwing their hands and voices in the air along with a solid clap along. All this even with the singer's mic dropping dead partway through, forcing her to grab the bassist's mic and the others to share making the moment all the more special. After that all that was left
Let's Make Out which kept the energy up until they left the stage. The house music came up immediately dispelling any chance for an encore to the short 45 minute set (with a dozen minutes left to curfew) but there was still love in the air and it felt like people were going to take the finale's title literally, sure enough on the way out I saw a few couples who were doing just that.